Being Liberated = Being A Slut? How Feminism in Fashion Impacts Us All
During decedes, fashion was dismissed as a capitalistic and superficial trend that led people to buy more and care too much about their image. However, it has contributed in a massive social progress throughout the years. Specifically, when it comes to social change, art and feminism movements have showed that what we wear can be a powerfull statement that challenges sociatal expectations and supports our values and beliefs, such as freedom of expression and equality between the genders.
''Feminism and Fashion'' are both words that can easily trigger sociaty. In my mind, I still try to understand why there is so much anger about two statements? There is a big misconception about the term feminsim and what it actually is at its core. Sociaty usually sees feminism as a form of agressiveness. It tends to define this movement as a transient ideology that makes women dominant and overpower the ''man'' and what he ''provides''. However, those beliefs are originated from subconscious patriarchical ideas that see revolutional change as something ''intimitating''. As long as this advocacy exists, it makes it more difficult to make people understand what this term actually means and how important it is for our social sanity. To clarify this term, feminists dont hate men neither do they want to dominate them. It is not a competition. Feminism is a social, political and cultural movement that aim to achieve equality between the genders. It includes the right to live free from violence and discrimination. It libaretes people as it fights against tradditional patriachical values that undervalue women making them unable to stand up and having a voice. This might sound too repitable but, personally, i believe that people are still getting upset over this word. This movement stands for every individual. It aims of challenging the systemic inequalities and social norms that contribute to gender discrimination and injustice.
When it comes to fashion I do think that it is a crusial form of act which embrace social revolution and change. Both Fashion and Feminism challenge and reinforce societal norms, specifically feminism has been impacted by this dynamic in multiple ways. One of the main themes of feminism and fashion is the restart from an individual dimension and capture a woman's experiences. Forthemore, fashion is often served as a form of protest. From the past years, during the Women's Liberation Movement in 1960 when women used their clothes as a political statement to reject the constrictive attire (corset and high heels which were symbols of patriarchical control) to today's movements like MeToo that have influenced fashion choices with designers creating clothing that celebrates autonomy and strenght. When it comes to fashion choices the big ''question'' is whether women dress for themselves or for getting valdation from a man. Again, this advocacy is based on how the male gaze defines and objectifies women. It impacts how women are perceived in everyday life, leading them to be scrutinized based on apperence and clothing choices. Just because Im wearing a mini skirt or red stiletto heels, does it mean im a slut? Does it give you the right to judge me in inappropriate ways? Ofcourse not. Sadly, a big group of people might agree with that. According to sociaty's values, women have to get dressed in a certain way. They have to be sexy but appropriate, always being pleasant for men but not too much.They have to be playfull but modest, having a personality but also being quite and shy. And here's how the male gaze influences our internal beliefs. It effectivelly place a woman's value on how appealing she is to men. This objectification reinforces tradditional power dynamics that capture men as active subjects and women as passive objects. In fashion, this manifests as trends that highlight a womans body in ways that priortize male defined beauty standards. Feminism challenges this objectification by advocating for women to reclaim control over how they are seen, moving away from dressing or behaving to satisfy a male audience. Whether a woman wears a short skirt and chooses to dress in ways that are considered traditionally “provocative,” or whether shes being dressing in a modest or feminine way, this is her choice and her right to do it. It is a right to make that choice without it being viewed through a lens of approval or disapproval based on male expectations. Women are often judged for their fashion choices regardless of what they wear, either for appearing "too revealing" or for being "too conservative''.Feminism in fashion seeks to dismantle these judgments, asserting that the choice to dress in any way should be free from scrutiny and rooted in personal freedom, not external expectations. Through bold, individualistic styles, feminist fashion empowers women to express themselves on their own terms, free from societal judgment.
In conclusion, liberation from social and moral constructions, starts from self liberation and from the rejection of the male gaze. Fashion stands for feminism and freedom. Personally, Im looking forward to see more nudity ,in the following trends, more decisive cuts, ribbed dresses and vibrant colors, all of this to show the tension that makes women feeling empowered to express themselves without waiting to be juded. As we continue to use fashion to express our values, we become part of an ongoing dialogue about identity, equality, and freedom, a dialogue that gives fashion a purpose beyond external appearance.